Monday, August 09, 2004


Watching 1 - First Thoughts

Since I made this assignment, I thought I should conduct a personal inquiry at the same time as my students. Here are my first thoughts on topics that I could do... just ramblings but it's a place to start. Of course I could do something related to work, but since I told my students to focus on something of personal interest, I better do the same thing.

We're currently in Prince Edward Island where there are over a dozen lighthouses. I'm interested in the history of lighthouses, different kinds of lighthouses, how to photo and sketch lighthouses, and maybe creating a website about the lighthouses of this area.

We're going to be in Maine in the fall, so I'd like to explore the best locations for mountain hiking, photography, moose watching, fall folage, tide pools, and other topics.

I'm having "hot flashes" lately and would like to investigate alternative medical and nontraditional options for getting rid of these.

I'm interested in the work of early philosophers such as Socrates and Plato and I'm thinking about doing a little exploring on the history of philosophy.. strange, but somehow appealing at this point in my life.

I purchased the domain name last year, but I haven't had time to explore the types of electronic and educational scrapbooking resources that might be included in this type of website. This would combine work and fun.

This is all I can think of right now. I'll be back later, as I think or more ideas.

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